Get the Ball Rolling

While deciding on an app idea can be an indecisive process, actually starting the process can seem a bit overwhelming. After much thought and brainstorming ideas of what the end product might look like, as well as actual functions, I decided on a potential MVP. The main purpose of my app will allow for the user to create a route for running, tracking the user’s movement. Even though there are many features I would like to add right away to make the apps functionality seem more appealing, it’s crucial that I keep it simple –I don’t want to feel too overwhelmed or discouraged before I even get the ball rolling.

It may seem as though I have very little to work with now,however, I’ve learned from previous projects that sometimes its better to start with a simple model and branch out from there. Although there are only two screens for the MVP, I want to make sure that the basics of my app is functional and works accordingly; I want to build a strong foundation in which I will be able to branch ideas from.

Nothing to it, but to do it

This upcoming week, I look forward to beginning the coding (Objective-C) for my MVP and testing the product out to ensure proper installation –maybe get some UI/UX feedback from a few people. Optimistically, I hope to begin adding features to the MVP by next week.

It feels as though I am just jumping into the coding sector of my app rather quickly, but I am hoping that I will get a better sense of direction with the project based on the outcome of the MVP.

…at some point, I may dabble with sketch for better UI.

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